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Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:14 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:03 pm
Posts: 13

I'm a newbie to all of this. I have a Nikon D90, CyberCommander, and am number 555 on the pre-order list for 3 Einsteins. How does the Cyber Commander really interface with the camera? Does it change appeture settings in the camera? If I change the camera appeture setting does the Cyber Commander automatically change the lighting f stop values? What does the Cyber Commander actually do as related to the camera?

Also I read where you can hand hold the Cyber Commander and get another attachment for the camera hotshoe. Why? Given my setup, what should this attachment be?

Don't laugh, I know that I am ignorant on all of this!!

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:51 pm

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The only conversation between camera and Cyber Commander is simply a fire signal. Bi lateral communication would require the CC to be compatabile with all cameras (or at least multiple brands and models), cameras to have some kind of input to adjust settings, and a cable or other connection to mate the two.

Cyber Commander is designed to control the lights remotely. You would set up your lights initially, use the CC to make the desired adjustments, take a meter reading, which displays the f/stop you should manually set your camera to. Manually make adjustments on your camera. If you decide to change your camera settings, you would then change the CC to match the desired setting, and all lights will respond in unison, and remotely.

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:52 pm

Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 5:00 pm
Posts: 33

The CyberCommander only controls the strobes (or Flashes). It will NOT make any adjustments to the camera. What you are referring to is called TTL. That is only supported when you are using Nikon Flashes and/or a Nikon SU800. You can get a good understanding of TTL in your Nikon Camera Manual.

The reason for using the CC hand held is for portability for one. You can use it to meter the flashes, etc. I use the CC, but connect a CST trigger on my camera.

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:14 pm

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I for got to address the CST issue! As Fazmanicg stated, you would keep the CST on camera for portability. Adding to that, since the meter is incident, meaning you have to go to the subject to hold the meter, having the CST stay put on the camera prevents having you to attach, detach the CC for each meter reading. Additionally, the CST has a longer range, is more compact and it is easier to manipulate the CC off camera. The CST will fire all lights (or not fire them) based on the instructions given by the Cyber Commander.

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Fri Apr 16, 2010 4:34 pm

Joined: Fri Apr 16, 2010 12:03 pm
Posts: 13

Thanky you very much!!

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