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Mon May 10, 2010 7:55 am

Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 8:02 pm
Posts: 8

And I forgot one other important point, the one about seceding from the Union.

It clearly states in the Constitution that the States CAN secede from the Union. Where does it say that you may ask?

It's under "The Right to Bear Arms".

The founding fathers put that specifically in place so that we, as citizens, could defend ourselves from a tyranical government.

That, my friends, is our license to tell Washington to go screw themselves.

P.S. By the way, I'm the one who started the post over at MM.

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Mon May 10, 2010 9:21 am

Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:28 pm
Posts: 6

Boriken Warrior wrote:
Keep laughing. The Tea party movement was laughed at as well.

Not sure if you watch TV much, but the Tea Party is the butt of jokes, by both sides.
Boriken Warrior wrote:
And when that business movement takes hold, you can then blame Paul C. Buff.

Right. Noted.

Boriken Warrior wrote:
And as for the thread at Model Mayhem.

Here's what I have noticed.

More people actually support Paul than don't.

What make sit seem the opposite is that the same people keep posting over and over again.

And this is how you folks work.

One of those same posters over trhere, who posted here, was later corrected and came back on this forum to apologize.

Some apology. They turned right back around, went back th MM and started talking trash about the company. That person even copied and pasted some of the stuff Paul wrote here and put it over there. Yeah, that's a true apology. And that's the type of people he's dealing with.

They are calle dbackstabbers. Then again, this person in particular seems to be a backstabber and a drama queen by constantly stoking the fire. Talk about manifested hatred.

I disagree on your statement that most support Paul's stance on MM. Seems like you practice selective reading.

You know, I apologized to Paul based on the fact that I thought ill of him due to the law that was passed in Arizona. I apologized when I realized that a change was made to the bill, so I didn't think it was all that bad. I have no loyalty to Paul, just as Paul (in my opinion) has no loyalty to customers when his "sales are off the chart". I like his products, but by buying his products does not mean I swear loyalty to the guy.

I did begin quoting from here and posting on ModelMayhem to have more people aware of what Paul is posting. He went from Arizona, to talk of government takeover, to states leaving the union, to civil war 2, to a "new union" that would become the world superpower. I also gave my opinion, and others gave theirs. What is wrong with that? If you want to criticize me why don't you do it on the MM forums where you can't hide behind Judge Paul?

So much for the "warrior" in your username.


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Mon May 10, 2010 10:24 am

Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 8:02 pm
Posts: 8

I did criticize you.

And then you cried about it.

Then you said you were done with the subject (thread) and were not going to post anymore.

Then a bit later, you started up again.

People such as yourself cannot be trusted. You say one thing and then do something else. You have no honor and very little to zero integrity. You should really consider joining the Armed Services to learn what real honor, integrity and honor are.

I made my point on that thread and am not in the mood to argue with simpletons such as yourself.

Then again, why go to Monkey's when I can make the Monkey's come to me. Ha! Ha!

Let me tell you something you little pud-knocker. My father was in the Army as an 11B Infantry. He pulled two tours in Vietnam and saw plenty of his friends mowed down and get their heads chopped off. He was wounded mid-way thru his second tour.

I was a helicopter mechanic and crewchief (huey) for 15 years. My brother is currently an Army recruiter. I have been to Thailand, South Korea and in Honduras and I had the opportunity to wind up in hte HHonduran corridor betwee Nicaragua and San Salvador in 1984.

You and your whiney ilk have no idea what you are setting this country up for. Really you have zero idea and yes, I read your cheesy blog and I know where you are from, where you are now and what you do for a living. You are a p***y and dead set on the wussification of the United States of America.

You can moan and throw whatever pretzel logic you want at me or Paul, but I have been there, my father has been there and so has my brother.

The fact that my family and all my fellow military comrades fought for your right to dish out crap sickens me to my stomach, but that's what we signed up to do no matter how revolting the thought.

What you need to do is crawl back to the MM and kiss the ass of anyone who states they were in the military and thank them for allowing them to make it possible for you to flap your gums the way you do.

I guess you're going to copy and paste this at MM as well, are'nt you?

You know what, you said you wanted to send your stuff back to PAul C. Buff. Guess what... you are not worthy to own his stuff.

P.S. Your pie-hole opening privileges are suspended due to sheer stupidity and arrogance.

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Mon May 10, 2010 10:42 am

Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:28 pm
Posts: 6

Boriken Warrior wrote:
I did criticize you.

And then you cried about it.

Cry? Right

Boriken Warrior wrote:
Then you said you were done with the subject (thread) and were not going to post anymore.

Did I upset you when I decided to continue participating? Sorry to disappoint, but I could care less if you wanted me to stay out of it.

Boriken Warrior wrote:
People such as yourself cannot be trusted. You say one thing and then do something else. You have no honor and very little to zero integrity. You should really consider joining the Armed Services to learn what real honor, integrity and honor are.

Just because I apologized to Paul on one subject, does not mean I will agree, or support Paul on other subjects, like talk about revolting against the government, Civil War 2 and the formation of a new world super power. You seem not to understand this concept, which is fine with me.

Boriken Warrior wrote:
I made my point on that thread and am not in the mood to argue with simpletons such as yourself.

Then again, why go to Monkey's when I can make the Monkey's come to me. Ha! Ha!

Let me tell you something you little pud-knocker. My father was in the Army as an 11B Infantry. He pulled two tours in Vietnam and saw plenty of his friends mowed down and get their heads chopped off. He was wounded mid-way thru his second tour.

I was a helicopter mechanic and crewchief (huey) for 15 years. My brother is currently an Army recruiter. I have been to Thailand, South Korea and in Honduras and I had the opportunity to wind up in hte HHonduran corridor betwee Nicaragua and San Salvador in 1984.

I think you would be better serving your country the way you have been, quite honorably. What you are doing now, is misguided. Just because you served in the military doesn't mean you know how to lead a country. Also, if you are going to throw personal attacks around, do try to be a bit more original? Monkey Island? Really??

Boriken Warrior wrote:
You and your whiney ilk have no idea what you are setting this country up for. Really you have zero idea and yes, I read your cheesy blog and I know where you are from, where you are now and what you do for a living. You are a p***y and dead set on the wussification of the United States of America.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I could care less what you think of me. Again, if you are going to throw insults, do try to be original. People with nothing intellectual to say usually resolve to aggression and verbal abuse.

Boriken Warrior wrote:
P.S. Your pie-hole opening privileges are suspended due to sheer stupidity and arrogance.

Again, doing nothing but use personal attacks to convey your opinion? How about stating your opinions, followed by facts? Or is insulting another the only way you have learned to deal with situations? So typical. Will you be running for Tea Party Office? You should. You'd fit right in.

Now, i'm more interested in hearing what Paul has to say regarding dwdallamm's responce. If you just want to fling poo around, how about we do that on the MM forums, not here? Or you feel more secure about yourself with Judge Paul close by?


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Mon May 10, 2010 10:59 am

Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 8:02 pm
Posts: 8

Perfect example of why I did not continue over at MM.

Take a closewr look at what I wrote then look at what you wrote.

Keep twisting things around, you'd make a great writer at the New York times.

Your poor dillussional little mind has no concept of what us adults are talking about. You are so sucked in to the "Give the illegals" a break mentality that you fail to see the entire picture. It's not about the supposed rights of the illegals but about our country.

I feel badly for the homeless but I can't afford to bring them into my home and feed them all.

Still don't get it, do you.

Then put your money where your mouth is and invite three or four homeless families into your house. C'mon, you talk so much, do it. Bring them home, feed them. clothe them, let them watch your television. I'm sure you can fit and support a few families in your home... can't you? If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk.

What, you don't feel sorry for them?

Or can you now see that they are going to eat you out of house and home.

Dude, you need a major reality check. All the goodness in your heart means diddly when it comes to cold hard reality.

By the way, did'nt I revoke your pie-hole opening privileges?


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Mon May 10, 2010 11:11 am

Joined: Thu Apr 29, 2010 7:28 pm
Posts: 6

Boriken Warrior wrote:
Perfect example of why I did not continue over at MM.

Take a closewr look at what I wrote then look at what you wrote.

Keep twisting things around, you'd make a great writer at the New York times.

Your poor dillussional little mind has no concept of what us adults are talking about. You are so sucked in to the "Give the illegals" a break mentality that you fail to see the entire picture. It's not about the supposed rights of the illegals but about our country.

I feel badly for the homeless but I can't afford to bring them into my home and feed them all.

Still don't get it, do you.

Then put your money where your mouth is and invite three or four homeless families into your house. C'mon, you talk so much, do it. Bring them home, feed them. clothe them, let them watch your television. I'm sure you can fit and support a few families in your home... can't you? If you are going to talk the talk then walk the walk.

What, you don't feel sorry for them?

Or can you now see that they are going to eat you out of house and home.

Dude, you need a major reality check. All the goodness in your heart means diddly when it comes to cold hard reality.

By the way, did'nt I revoke your pie-hole opening privileges?


Because I prefer the real discussion to continue, not feed your poo flinging, I will end my discussion with you here. :)


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Mon May 10, 2010 11:51 am

Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 8:02 pm
Posts: 8

You said the same thing at MM and started right back up.

See you in a couple of hours!

And now that you're back, instead of homeless families, why don't you pick up about seven scrungy homeless people off the street and put them up at your place. Then you can feed and clothe them as well as grace them with medical insurance and a free college education all courtesy of your paycheck.



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Mon May 10, 2010 3:04 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
Posts: 1432

dwdallamm wrote:
You said:
"So to explain the why CA has 13% of the US population and only 7-8% of our sales, consider this: Your 57% minority population doesn't have the purchasing power you like to think they do, as compared to middle America. Half of your middle class and affluent population has left the state since 1970, as I did in 1971. Got any clue why my former state is rapidly approaching the status of Greece?"

I've never seen any information on that so I cannot comment. I'd like to see the information that formed your idea because if true, it would be some seriously good information that would have implications far greater than this thread. I'm interested. Where is it?

You forgot to read the post you commented on. The source of the information you question was (is) on the post you are now commenting on. Back to law school.

Here it is again . . . see if you can find it this time. I highlighted in red for your convenience"

Regarding California's stubborn notion they are superior to middle America, try this on for size. From

"According to estimates from 2008, California has the largest minority population in the United States by numbers, making up 57 percent of the state population.[27] Non-Hispanic whites decreased from 80% of the state's population in 1970 to 42% in 2008.[27][29] While the population of minorities account for 102 million of 301 million U.S. residents, 20% of the national total live in California."

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Mon May 10, 2010 3:07 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
Posts: 1432

Enough of this diatribe and arguing. This forum is now locked. I will post my final decisions regarding CA sales in a new post by tomorrow.

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