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Thu May 06, 2010 3:15 am

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:07 am
Posts: 10

Luap wrote:
CaseyC wrote:
Wonderful, one of my favorite camera stores won't sell me the stuff I need, now Paul C Buff is considering on stopping sales to California.. I guess this is what I get for growing up in Poland and moving to California.. *sigh*

I happen to be very supportive of Poland and her people. But you should be able to see the growing similarities between the former USSR and the budding USSA.

Me living in California has me between 2 worlds. I believe where ever you live you should serve. But in this case.. Being brought up in a family where we do not have a belief of segregating or judging by color of skin is hard for me to understand. I guess its something some people should do. But for me, it's not.

Had a few drinks so it might be messed up.. Wheres the Gentlemen Jack at? Gonna get more!

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Thu May 06, 2010 7:13 am

Joined: Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:19 pm
Posts: 13

To a certain extent we're all illegal immigrants. The passengers and crew of the Mayflower did not exactly obtain permission / visas from the locals when they came in. I don't know of any land legitimately acquired from the native Americans other than the island of Manhattan.

Some may say that that was a long time ago and the old times called for a harsher behavior, but the point is that it had been done in the present, and as such is on the conscience of that generation and any subsequent ones that gained from it.

I am proud to be an American law-abiding citizen and as such am against anything illegal, including illegal immigration. But the big picture is that there is forever going to be a degree of hypocrisy to our illegal immigration talk.


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Thu May 06, 2010 9:02 am

Joined: Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:09 am
Posts: 73

Unrestricted immigration and no minimum wage worked just fine for my ancestors, but good luck getting that passed. Sure would give a boost to manufacturing, though. We wonder why all those jobs go overseas, it's because we outlaw both the work and the people who want to do it. I guess it maintains minimum standards of sorts, though you'd never know it to look at some cities.

Anyway, Paul, my suggestion on the California issue is simply to move them to the end of the Einstein pre-order list. ;)

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Thu May 06, 2010 9:10 am

Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 8:58 am
Posts: 4

Paul I agree with you. However, I think there needs to be a public push for other businesses to do the same, as well as make it public so that those in control of CA can see the affect. While minor by itself, if no one knows about the boycott, there really won't "be" a boycott. The people in CA need to vocalize to their politicians that they are not in support of the AZ boycott, and if they are, well then that's just too bad.

MichelleP, For the record, you are factually incorrect. There was no USA (or any other established country by modern standards for that matter) nor immigration laws present for those settlers to be considered illegal immigrants by the definition of what the AZ law (which is only supporting the Federal law of the USA) is all about. We're not living 500 years ago. The entire planet is divided up and each country has laws of some sort. These are people who are willingly breaking the law and becoming a leach on our society by getting social services that they have not earned nor deserve, yet we as a compassionate country provide these services, at the great expense of our tax paying legal citizens (immigrants or natural).

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Thu May 06, 2010 10:39 am

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:17 pm
Posts: 48
Location: Bend, OR

[quote="Luap"]Regarding my customers in California: If you support your state's attacks and attempted boycott of Arizona for enforcing legitimate federal immigration laws and trying to do something about the damage being done to my country by lack of federal action regarding illegal immigrants and the vicious crimes many of them commit, I will take a leadership role and boycott sales of my products to California."
Gosh Paul, that's a pretty bold statement from a guy who's company theme/logo is all about uninvited immigration. "We, the AlienBees™, safely landed on the planet known as Earth on human calendar date 01 August, year 2001"

I've gotta admit Alien Bees do a great job, cheap and good, just like the alien workers that do my yard. I'm just say'in....

When you guys leave the planet will you please take Bill O'Reilly and Glen Beck with you.

Bless your pointy head,

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Thu May 06, 2010 11:04 am

Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:49 pm
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Location: New York City, USA

@ bw8755: The fact that there was no "USA (or any other established country by modern standards for that matter)" on the American continent is hardly an excuse. If some "settlers" started eliminating or resettling the Amazon tribes today and "developing" the land (removing resources and/or erecting condominium complexes) just because those tribes may not have had an "established country by modern standards", the world would be up in arms.

@ Ziv: You want to keep Rush Limbaugh around for entertainment? :) Just kidding.

Last edited by Alex.K.NY on Thu May 06, 2010 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thu May 06, 2010 12:25 pm

Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 8:58 am
Posts: 4

Alex.K.NY wrote:
@ bw8755: The fact that there was no "USA (or any other established country by modern standards for that matter)" on the American continent is hardly an excuse. If some "settlers" started eliminating or resettling the Amazon tribes today and "developing" the land (removing resources and/or erecting condominium complexes) just because those tribes may not have had an "established country by modern standards", the world would be up in arms.

@ Ziv: What about Rush Limbaugh and Sara Palin ? You want to keep them around for entertainment?

And it is exactly what these illegals are doing to America that we should be (and in most cases are) up in arms. The Federal govt. is so concerned about election results that they are stifled with inaction.

Dems. - Amnesty to all! (then you and your races ***YES PLURAL - IT's NOT JUST ABOUT MEXICANS*** will all vote for us (keeping us in power)! We won't kick you out like those mean racist Reps.).

Reps. - No amnesty! Follow the law like everyone else! Don't reward people for bad behavior! (but we can't do that because the Dems will tell the members of those races that we're racist and mean by punishing ILLEGALS (also known as criminals), so we can talk just enough so they know our position but not actually do anything (the right thing) and enforce the existing laws).

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Thu May 06, 2010 12:27 pm

Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:49 pm
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Location: New York City, USA

That's a fair point actually. I'll agree with that.

I think we're way off topic here. Um, or more exactly we're on-topic but off-forum :-)

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Thu May 06, 2010 1:30 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
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bw8755 wrote:
Paul I agree with you. However, I think there needs to be a public push for other businesses to do the same, as well as make it public so that those in control of CA can see the affect. While minor by itself, if no one knows about the boycott, there really won't "be" a boycott. The people in CA need to vocalize to their politicians that they are not in support of the AZ boycott, and if they are, well then that's just too bad.

MichelleP, For the record, you are factually incorrect. There was no USA (or any other established country by modern standards for that matter) nor immigration laws present for those settlers to be considered illegal immigrants by the definition of what the AZ law (which is only supporting the Federal law of the USA) is all about. We're not living 500 years ago. The entire planet is divided up and each country has laws of some sort. These are people who are willingly breaking the law and becoming a leach on our society by getting social services that they have not earned nor deserve, yet we as a compassionate country provide these services, at the great expense of our tax paying legal citizens (immigrants or natural).

That was exactly my point. I suggested that, if this state vs state and party vs party and productive vs money suckers governmental attacks continue and the people of offending states don't start speaking up to return our country to harmony and moral values, that I will take whatever leadership role I have in my power. I consider that my responsibility as a business leader. If CA voters insist on allowing their elected officials to meddle in AZ's legal states rights by trying divisive pressure tactics, other business leaders will follow. This is not about customers or skin color - it's about preserving the union and enforcing our constitution and laws.

If we don't take some serious steps in this direction, CA will follow Greece into default and bankruptcy and the middle America states will refuse to bail them out and CA will become a satellite of Mexico.

My suspicion is that, as we speak, governors of around 28 middle American states are considering mass secession into the new Confederate States of America. If this happens, it won't be like the civil war These states have the real power today, the energy resources, the workforce and constitutional attitude, the military might and the will to remove big government and public unions and corruption from their lives. If this should happen, the seceding states will become what America once was - a global superpower, while the remaining liberal states will sink into the Socialist/Marxist status Europe is headed for.

I'm not encouraging this or promoting it, but if people like myself (and yes, Glenn Beck and Fox and others) don't start taking action, either this or anarchy will result and we will all lose.

To my CA customers: I didn't say I was about to institute this sort of policy and I never abandon my customers. What I offered was a warning shot . . . a wakeup call. If not me, who?

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Thu May 06, 2010 4:58 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:38 pm
Posts: 17

Wow...this is almost surreal.

It does seem odd that cities and states would be talking about boycotts. That's simply not the right angle to take, at all. It interferes with inter-state commerce, an activity which I believe should be illegal on a federal level. I guess I can see how some Californians (particularly orchard owners) could be financially hurt by less cheap labor, but that's no excuse. The "proper" response (as, of course, judged solely by myself) is to simply have Arizona's law declared unconstitutional as it violates rights against unlawful detainment (assuming I'm not missing anything). Seems pretty sketchy that everyone would have to carry proof of legal residence on them or risk having a likely racially-targetted "Papers Please" encounter go badly - as if having it at all isn't bad enough. Kind of like getting in trouble for "driving while black". Eh, seems like they should just enact massive fines for employing people without proper documentation. Hire somebody without getting documentation to prove that they are entitled to work in America? Enjoy your $100k/employee (scale for business size) fine.

I think that I, as a mid-20s Canadian simply cannot comprehend the American political system. It's bizarre, actually. It's so polarized and venomous, with such hatred between groups that there is no longer any dialogue at all. Everybody involved seems to think that the Republicans can do no wrong (and correspondingly everything the Democrats do is wrong), or that the Democrats can do no wrong (and correspondingly everything the Republicans do is wrong). Ideas appear to simply not be considered for their non-political merits anymore. It's simply "It's a Democrat idea - destroy it!" or "It's a Republican idea - destroy it!" all supported with Hate Ads.

I love the products I purchase from your company, Paul. The service has been stunning (far beyond what I could have expected, even with the other glowing reviews I've read), and the overall experience simply great. That said, associating yourself with Glenn Beck is a really, really unpleasant thing. The whole Fox/Glenn Beck/Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh/etc group is pretty nasty, and from an outside viewpoint is far more damaging and dangerous than any group of left-wing commentators. (The very concept of Fair and Balanced is really horrible when it comes to truth. Some things don't have two views to consider. It's painfully post-modern.) Hell, as a whole it doesn't look like there even is a left in America (most likely due to the suppression of the left and the shift to the right due to the Cold War). which makes these group's frantic calls to action against the "Socialists" all the odder. When "Not Republican/Liberal" (or the inverse) is a horrible insult, there's something very, very wrong.

I'm just hoping to live to see Politics become a bit more sane, and a bit less polarized. Perhaps, if I manage to not die for long enough, I'll even see less partisanship and good ideas embraced by politicians because they're the right thing to do, rather than the politically expedient thing? Can't say I have much hope for that, but I do think this will all work itself out without even a small chance of Secession.

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