Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum

How is progres on the Enstein?
Page 14 of 27

Author:  Technical Support [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

Luap wrote:

So I don't have to repeat it all here, please checkout my explanation of all things Einstein and Luap here: ... astmessage

the above link has Pauls latest update.

Author:  Alex.K.NY [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

Technical Support wrote:
Luap wrote:

the above link has Pauls latest update.

I only see the same Paul's Feb update on p.12, followed by a fresh page 13 full of the usual internet pontification and grandstanding. I presume this is all there is for now.

In that update Paul is referring to the process of him finding and fixing bugs, but those are hardware bugs. I am hoping there is a person or a group accountable for making sure the shipping software / firmware is stable and reasonably free from bugs (to the degree customarily expected from a good consumer/prosumer grade product).

Based on what I've heard about CyberCommander overall, some folks have virtually a trouble free experience and others encounter lock-ups and erratic behavior often. In addition to it appears that the thing is missing a physical off switch?

I do not care when Paul's next Einstein update comes. However since Einstein has a similarly sophisticated display and interface to the CyberCommander, when the update does come, I'm hoping we'll hear about how the software side of the product is being quality-assured, as well as how it is going with the CyberCommander s/w revision since it is such an integral enabling technology for the Einstein.

Author:  Technical Support [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

this is in response to a specific question posted on the previous page. This is the most current update we have as of now.

Author:  Luap [ Mon Mar 01, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

Alex.K.NY wrote:
Technical Support wrote:
Luap wrote:

the above link has Pauls latest update.

I only see the same Paul's Feb update on p.12, followed by a fresh page 13 full of the usual internet pontification and grandstanding. I presume this is all there is for now.

In that update Paul is referring to the process of him finding and fixing bugs, but those are hardware bugs. I am hoping there is a person or a group accountable for making sure the shipping software / firmware is stable and reasonably free from bugs (to the degree customarily expected from a good consumer/prosumer grade product).

Based on what I've heard about CyberCommander overall, some folks have virtually a trouble free experience and others encounter lock-ups and erratic behavior often. In addition to it appears that the thing is missing a physical off switch?

I do not care when Paul's next Einstein update comes. However since Einstein has a similarly sophisticated display and interface to the CyberCommander, when the update does come, I'm hoping we'll hear about how the software side of the product is being quality-assured, as well as how it is going with the CyberCommander s/w revision since it is such an integral enabling technology for the Einstein.

This is a tech help forum, not a bitch forum. I hope everyone will remember why the original general customer forum was shut down and will tame down the off-topic comments and design/marketing advice.

Author:  khanley [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

with 2500 orders on the backorder list, I'm sure PCB is doing all they can to get them out the door correctly, but I think it's reasonable as a customer to expect the company to post at least monthly updates on the status.

May be post them on the pre-order page? just a current expected ship date or something.

At some point the frustration will lead to lost orders or unhappy customers. I personally believe these are worth waiting a certain amount of time for, as long as I know what that time is I can make the best decision, wait or buy something else.

thanks for your time,


Author:  Technical Support [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

Here is a copy and paste of the update Paul has written. This is directly from the link above. There have been a few posts since, and it can be hard to find, so it is posted here. This is from Thursday February 25. This is the latest update we have.

I'll go through this one more time, at the cost of getting slammed for "dodging blame" and being called arrogant, eccentric and a foolish business person.

I am accustomed to having 100% control over my designs and products, and have a good record of projecting my work outcome in terms of time frames and performance. They were all (except for RR1) and Compuscene) all analog, and they for the most part set the stage in 1986 for the modern monolight offered by competitors.

I designed Einstein, Cyber Commander and CyberSync in 2007. After hiring the now-infamous Chad Pryson to assist my Chief Engineer, Mike Morgan with the digital programming aspects, which are not in my are of expertise, I soon found Chad was nowhere near up to the task. So I turned to a consulting company - one very good at all things digital, to do the programming, some of the rf and circuit board layout, etc. In the process, the consulting firm thought they had ideas on how to employ switching power supplies as a means of achieving better efficiency and the avoidance on the need for pure sine inverters. I had long earlier successfuly protyped and tested the IGBT flashtube and the current power supplies, and done all the mechanical designs and molded housing designs . . . molds and metal parts have been made for well over a year.

I worked with them, and with a power supply engineer on their staff for about a year. There developed a good degree of professional jealousy during this time between myself and the power supply designer over what would work and what wouldn't. I deferred to their expertise on the issue and let them do their thing. But In the end, I was correct and they were never able to deliver a power supply that came close to the requirements.

At that point, I was under attack from forums for delays in what should have taken 4-6 months to complete, so I designed a scaled down "AB Max", employing the portions of the switching power supply that they claimed were solved and workable. Time proved that the scaled power supply design was not even up to the standards I demanded. (I actually have a near-production-ready ABMax, but I concluded it was, again, not nearly close enough for me to put my name on it and ship it.) So I declared an end to the idea of using a switching supply at all, and designed and prototyped the Einstein that will ship soon, using my design for an analog global power supply, and very sophisticated modeling lamp control and many other refinements. This effort took sixty days and was concluded last October.

I instructed the consultant to follow my analog core design to the letter and to simply do the pc board layouts, following my specific layout and package requirements, and to reprogram the ABMAx control uP board to the new requirements. A two month timeframe was allotted for this fairly straight forward work and a late 2009 schedule was established.

I have been pushing them almost daily since October to complete this work on the agreed scheduled and every week I have gotten board layouts with errors and incomplete programming. Dr. Morgan has been almost daily finding bugs introduced by the consultant and I have been doing the same.

As of last week, we had found and corrected all the bugs and felt we were a few days from doing the first per-production small run. I have been testing a completely packaged Einstein for over a month with excellent results. Most of the bugs have involved transient voltages when operating at 240V and the subsequent substitution of higher voltage/current components. (Our October prototypes used all through hole components and have worked flawlessly since they day we built it - with about a half million flashes on it.

In the conversion to surface mount components required for the final production the consultant did not do a great job of cross converting some of the through hole components to SMT parts. It goes like this: "Mike and Paul, here is this weeks's iteration - we have tested it it and it looks good." After Mike and I get our hands on it we find it doesn't work as well as they thought . . . this diode had to be changed, this resistor doesn't have sufficient power rating, etc."

To the credit of the consultant, they are sensation on digital and programming, but fall short on the analog and power circuit design that both Mike and I are expert in. This whole episode also proves that I am not expert at projecting the work of others outside my employee base.

So enough of this. The hopefully final circuit board designs are going to our Kansas robotic assembly partner this week. They will build a dozen or so and we will thoroughly test them and, if everything is as now indicated, we will be ready to produce the first run. I depend heavily on Dr Morgan for much of the bench work, and his unexpected seizure has put an additional burden on myself on on the rest of my technical staff

So there it its - the good, the bad and the ugly. I believe our very supportive customer base will accept these realities and I'm sure the few armchair critics will have a field day with judgements of me, of my company, my methods, my wide open communications, my marketing methods, my age, my red hair and anything else that brings them such joy.

Like it or not, I am not the typical corporation owner/executiveor CEO. I am a human being with a dedicated staff of 45 who believes in honesty, the Golden Rule and very open communications . . . and my company still has around 65% of the USA market. By the way, don't expect any runaway acceleration or braking problems and take my word I am doing everything I can to avoid any recalls or customer disappointments. To those who think I ought to act more like the CEO of IBM, this ain't IBM and proudly never will be.

Your turn - have a ball

Author:  gmury [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

When you pass by a beautiful house or church you wonder whose house or church this is or who build it and not how long it took to built it. Do your job Paul and you will write history. Be bless, George. :!:

Author:  Norm [ Tue Mar 02, 2010 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

LOL Paul take a pill calm dowm lol.

Author:  Rupeman [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How is progres on the Enstein?

If these units prove to be as good as they sound and at this price point, then they will be well worth the wait.

PS - Can I get mine 1st.

Author:  bareimage [ Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  On Bugs...

With any new units there are bound to be bugs, but overal I prefer some one responsible enough not to push out halfbaked units. Thus I understand that units neet to be tested as much as possible and there fore wait is just a price we pay for release from the frustration...

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