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Thu May 06, 2010 7:55 pm

Joined: Wed May 05, 2010 9:10 pm
Posts: 3

Luap wrote:
To my CA customers: I didn't say I was about to institute this sort of policy and I never abandon my customers. What I offered was a warning shot . . . a wakeup call. If not me, who?

Cool. I was getting very nervous there for a bit after doing all the research about what equipment to buy. Deciding I wanted to buy yours and then being concerned about not getting help if I needed it later on. Glad you cleared that up.

One of the big problems, as bw pointed out, has to do with the possibility of amnesty for the illegals and all of the votes it represents for the politicians who stand to benefit by sticking their noses where they don't belong. With many illegals fleeing Arizona to come here to California it's going to be an uphill battle getting the politicians to stop kowtowing to them. Hopefully we can get these politicians voted out of office. Could prove very difficult, but I'm ready to do whatever I can to make that happen.

In the meantime, I'm choosing to buy products from Arizona businesses to help do my part in combating the ridiculous boycotts.


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Fri May 07, 2010 2:10 am

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Had a thought today . . . there's the carrot and the stick. Maybe I'll offer AZ customers a little discount or gift card temporally just to make a point? As a patriotic American, CA politicians that make these moves make me want to puke. Californians - if you care, say so in November or move like I did if you want pride back in your country.

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Fri May 07, 2010 2:15 am

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Alex.K.NY wrote:
That's a fair point actually. I'll agree with that.

I think we're way off topic here. Um, or more exactly we're on-topic but off-forum :-)

Off forum? Maybe, but read the topic title. But Alex . . . I'm King Luap . . . it's my forum and I'll pout if I want to :ugeek:

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Fri May 07, 2010 8:03 am

Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:22 pm
Posts: 178
Location: Aiken, SC

Neuffy wrote:
I think that I, as a mid-20s Canadian simply cannot comprehend the American political system. It's bizarre, actually. It's so polarized and venomous"

Really? Do you think Canadians weren't venemous in their treatment Ann Coulter? And there's no riff between "we speak French" Quebec and the rest of Canada? And what about Canada's version of the Three Stooges?

Neuffy wrote:
That said, associating yourself with Glenn Beck is a really, really unpleasant thing. The whole Fox/Glenn Beck/Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh/etc group is pretty nasty, and from an outside viewpoint is far more damaging and dangerous than any group of left-wing commentators.

Like them or not, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh make pretty good livings as polarizing figures. And if you think liberals aren't capable of expressing damaging and dangerous viewpoints, then you've never heard of Keith Olbermann and the other clowns on MSNBC.

You claim that Beck and others on Fox don't speak the truth. Can you prove it? Was Beck lying when he talked about Van Jones? Is he lying when he talks about the debt? Is he lying when he talks about the socialist agenda?

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Fri May 07, 2010 10:25 am

Joined: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:38 pm
Posts: 17

BigIronCruiser wrote:
Neuffy wrote:
I think that I, as a mid-20s Canadian simply cannot comprehend the American political system. It's bizarre, actually. It's so polarized and venomous"

Really? Do you think Canadians weren't venemous in their treatment Ann Coulter? And there's no riff between "we speak French" Quebec and the rest of Canada? And what about Canada's version of the Three Stooges?

Ann Coulter has called for genocide, forcible religious conversion and mass murder. I'd hardly call the reaction venomous. If you're referring to the recent university speaking event that was canceled - she canceled it to make a point. She wanted to be able to say that she was censored (and since Free Speech is Freedom, Capital F, this is a horrible thing), so she self-censored when given the opportunity.

Oh, we've certainly got our issues. Never denied it. It's just that I understand them, or at least am not stunned by them. We do most things a bit more quietly, on a smaller scale. Again, I think it's likely that I simply don't get it because I haven't been around the last 40 or so years. I just don't understand how not agreeing with a political position is worthy of such derision - from either side. I should perhaps make this clear: If someone (a normal person, as opposed to a tv personality) is conservative, they will take flak from liberals, simply for being conservative. If someone is liberal, they will take flak from conservatives, simply for being liberal. Just doesn't make sense. It's like a matched set of violently evangelical religions.

BigIronCruiser wrote:
Neuffy wrote:
That said, associating yourself with Glenn Beck is a really, really unpleasant thing. The whole Fox/Glenn Beck/Ann Coulter/Rush Limbaugh/etc group is pretty nasty, and from an outside viewpoint is far more damaging and dangerous than any group of left-wing commentators.

Like them or not, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh make pretty good livings as polarizing figures. And if you think liberals aren't capable of expressing damaging and dangerous viewpoints, then you've never heard of Keith Olbermann and the other clowns on MSNBC.

You claim that Beck and others on Fox don't speak the truth. Can you prove it? Was Beck lying when he talked about Van Jones? Is he lying when he talks about the debt? Is he lying when he talks about the socialist agenda?[/quote]

That they make a good living at it doesn't make it right, at all. Also, while I'd agree that there are issues with Olbermann (and MSNBC in general), that doesn't justify Coulter/Limbaugh. Nobody here said they were good, or that they wanted to be associated with them. Like I said earlier, the automatic "If they have problems with extreme-right pundits, they're extreme-left radicals" is problematic.

It's not actually so much about truth - they do generally speak the "truth", particularly when they have a more important story that needs exposure. The manner in which they do so, however, isn't particularly honest. Now, the socialist agenda issue is a little more serious. It's made out that there is this sinister neo-Communist anti-American socialist agenda, while there is no corresponding conservative agenda, and if there is, it's certainly not anti-American. I'm uncertain as to whether I would call that truth.

Essentially, Fox is the side that is saying "Republicans can do no wrong, and all Democrat actions are wrong". That there are others saying the inverse doesn't make it any less of a problem.

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Fri May 07, 2010 10:48 am

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Just watched a solid report on Fox News where four CA high school students were suspended from school for wearing tee shirts with American Flags to school on Cinco De Mayo because it was "disrespectful". Give me a break. Wake up CA, or become Greece.

Neuffy, your "Essentially, Fox is the side that is saying "Republicans can do no wrong, and all Democrat actions are wrong" is completely off base and factually incorrect. As a Canadian in your 20's might I suggest you arm yourself with better facts before inserting yourself into American politics. Do what you want in your country - I don't care or comment on what you do in yours. Same with American states . . . do what you want, but don't push it onto other states that have different views.

Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Dick Morris and others regularly place as much blame on Republicans as on Democrats for the horribly corrupt and manipulative state of our politics. Beck, the most outspoken of all goes to tremendous lengths to document and detail the actual facts that form his opinions.

I do have 74 years of observing this and living the American dream as the son of a legal Swiss immigrant . . . . a dream that is now being "Fundamentally Transformed" into Marxism by very powerful forces that have infiltrated our government, schools and media.

If some people here don't like my support for Fox and our history and constitution and brutal truth, I recommend consideration of non American manufacturers.

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Fri May 07, 2010 12:04 pm

Joined: Thu May 06, 2010 8:58 am
Posts: 4

What I hate is how if you are a white person, especially a middle-class white male of mid-age, if you disagree with any issue that involves another race, then you are a racist by default. Does not matter if you disagree with the principal or idea, you're just labeled a racist. We have it in our head that racist is the most vile thing (even above a child predator, terrorist or murder). All the liberals have to do is say "look at the white guy disagreeing with the black president or the hispanic immigrant. He must be racist."

So, by the color of my skin, my thoughts and beliefs are discredited and I am racially discriminated against. But the mainstream media seems to only consider racism a one-way street that starts with white and end in some other color.

Did you hear about the Michigan elementary school who segregated their class and took only the black students on an educational field trip to meet a black rocket scientist at UofM? All the white, asian and hispanic students were not allowed to go. Totally racist. Segregation, clear as a bell.

Funny, the school principal who arranged it has already had to make public statements, but non of the lilberal mainstream media are talking about this. Nor are they talking about the US flag shirts in CA. Fox is, yet you say they are not fair and balanced. Can you really say MSNBC/NBC/CNN/CBS are when they are ignoring these recent issues? ... estigated/

Oh, btw, I also really like Mike Church and Andrew Wilkow.

Individual Patriot first, Conservative second, Replublican third.

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Fri May 07, 2010 4:51 pm

Joined: Fri May 07, 2010 4:39 pm
Posts: 11

As a California resident I say that while its unfortunate that Paul may potentially boycott sales of his products to my state, I completely understand. I am one of the very few African-Americans within my family or social circle to disagree with those shouting hate at Arizona (Also to not support Obama). I am by no means middle-class or any higher on the financial status ladder, just a citizen of a country that I do see dying. I am personally a Ron Paul supporter who supports the Libertarian Tea Party movement, not the Neo Conservative Tea Party.

I believe nobody should be judged based on the color of their skin, but by their actions as a human being. Though I realize racism will never leave the world, I don't see why people feel the need to bring race into numerous issues.

I find myself somewhat hitting a brick wall, as I do personally love this state (weather/food/scenery/friends/family), I just think that a dominant portion of the "political" crowd are absolute morons. Worst case scenario I may have to try and find a job out of state and move on out.

I am not a major fan really of any major corporate media news outlet. Sometimes they tell the truth, sometimes they lie.

Regardless, I will support PCB products and should he decide to no longer sell to this state, I will support his decision.

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Fri May 07, 2010 6:54 pm

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I would have to think long and hard before I actually boycotted CA customers. But if I ever came to that it would be a whole lot more adult than CA politicians (they work for you) bringing something like this about by acting like sub teenagers to get Latino votes. Photographers didn't do this . . . if I thought they did I would boycott tomorrow.

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Fri May 07, 2010 7:01 pm

Joined: Thu Apr 15, 2010 6:22 pm
Posts: 178
Location: Aiken, SC

Neuffy wrote:
Now, the socialist agenda issue is a little more serious. It's made out that there is this sinister neo-Communist anti-American socialist agenda, while there is no corresponding conservative agenda, and if there is, it's certainly not anti-American. I'm uncertain as to whether I would call that truth.

The big deal IMO is that our country was founded on conservative values, and the "liberals" are methodocally moving us toward socialism and/or marxism. Is this "anti-American"? Based on our traditional values, the answer is YES, YES, YES!! The hardcore liberals know it, and their solution is to simply redefine what it means to be an American. But most of us like being conservative, and we don't like having these socialist programs forced on us by elected officials and unelected judges that ignore (a) the constitution and (b) the will of the people. We're headed in a scary direction, and I'm afraid that we'll eventually make Greece look like a sideshow unless we alter course.

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