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Sun May 09, 2010 1:11 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
Posts: 1432

RDKirk wrote:
My suspicion is that, as we speak, governors of around 28 middle American states are considering mass secession into the new Confederate States of America. If this happens, it won't be like the civil war These states have the real power today, the energy resources, the workforce and constitutional attitude, the military might and the will to remove big government and public unions and corruption from their lives. If this should happen, the seceding states will become what America once was - a global superpower, while the remaining liberal states will sink into the Socialist/Marxist status Europe is headed for.

What military might are you talking about? If you're talking about the US military, forget it. Speaking as someone with a 26-year military career and from a family in which every male member has been military for over 100 years--the US military is not going to be part of a secession, and soldiers fighting under any flag other than the Stars and Stripes will be considered the enemy.

Not to mention that most of those middle-American states are more dependent on Mexicans and other recent immigrants than some of the locals may think.

Economically, it's a ludicrous idea. Check your state economics. No state today is self-sufficient, nor is any region self-sufficient, and no such "confederacy" is going to get credit from any international banks or be allowed to continue any current credit arrangements.

You think interstate commerce won't be disrupted? You think Texas companies will be able to maintain oil contracts with the Saudis without Washington's involvement? You think the tankers are going to sail without the US Navy backing them up around the Cape of Good Hope? You think offshore drilling is going to continue without the US Coast Guard chasing away South American pirates?

You think Aberdeen is going to continue to operate without Washington contracts? You think a bunch of "we don't believe in taxes" states are going to get a multi-year contract from General Dynamics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, or Grumman? Don't think their loyalties lie where their corporate headquarters are located--their loyalties lie where their stockholders are located.


I have great respect for your well founded opinions. But let me try to put this in the perspective I view.

First I would rather live in a United US than a divided one. But I would also rather live in a country that follows the US constitution and what it implies than in a Marxist country.

Regarding the constitution and secession: All states have the right to secede. In the case of the civil war, the confederate states did just that, and formed a sovereign legitimate nation. In fact, the decision on the part of the north to invade the south was an act of aggression against a sovereign nation . . . not far removed from from a situation where Washington decided to declare war on Canada, or from China's threats to attack Taiwan.

I won't bring this to whether the civil war was a good thing or a bad thing, only that it was an illegal act of Imperialism by todays international law. The north eventually won because of sheer economic power and population . . . just as America would if it attacked Canada. But why on earth would we want to do that?

I would agree with you if one state were to attempt secession alone they would be overpowered by the remaining states. But when you consider the scenario I put forth . . . a massive block of conservative states legally forming a new and separate nation, things would be a bit different. The final determinant of the outcome would rest with the military. Would the decidedly conservative military open fire on the people of the seceding states . . . there own people? Or would they refuse, and join the other side?

What would the Joint Chiefs do . . . their choices would be to be good little generals and follow the orders of the "Commander In Chief", or refuse these orders and support the other side, or would they declare a military takeover of the country and turn their guns in Washington, temporarily dissolve the government, shut down congress and the supreme court and declare military martial law? Can the FBI take on the US military? Would the troops follow the General's orders, or would they resist and defect?

Were a massive block to secede, they would, of course, seize all the military bases, nuclear facilities, government offices and agencies, etc, and direct all taxes now sent to DC to their own coffers, and require all citizens to pay the taxes instead of 5%. If the remain states declared war on them, they would shut down the flow of oil and food and all other resources. Goodbye MacDonalds and Government Motors and the free ride.

And what about business and the 50% who pay no taxes? Smart businesses would move operations to the new union and the freeloaders would move out and into the remaining states. (This is likely to happen this year as Arizona illegals flood across the border into sanctuary CA and overwhelm the "Golden State", turning it into Greece. This, plus the other factors mentioned, would bankrupt these states in a year and they would collapse into anarchy.

The bottom line is that the southern and middle conservative states hold all the cards in this scenario and would quickly replace the current USA as the new global superpower as a new pinnacle of of freedom and opportunity and economic strength and individual freedom. These states combined have all the resources needed for survival . . . energy, food, industry, and a population that is patriotic and willing and able to fight in the same way as America fought the British way back then.

As for the middle and southern states being dependent on illegals, this flies in the face of reality where I live. Illegals and government failures have created a situation where blacks, teenagers and poor whites cannot get jobs in construction, restaurants, lawn care, etc. because these jobs go to illegals. We are headed for a new catch phrase; "We need blacks and lower class Americans to do the work that illegals won't"

No, this isn't a simple issue and is fraught with complexities and calamity. But where we are now cannot stand - the founding fathers warned of this. We cannot go forward as a country divided between classes and politics and make believe we are united. better than 60% of Americans will refuse to submit to Marxism and will fight it to the death if need be. Imagine an organized Texas or TN or Montana militia facing off with a bunch of whining liberals from the land of OZ :evil:

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Sun May 09, 2010 1:28 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
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Regarding the difference between what CA legislators propose and what I have suggested as a possibility: Government officials answer to the people who elected them, and are bound by oath to work follow the constitution and to work for the good of the nation, not for their jobs and cushy benefits. When states attack other states this is pure malfeasance and abdication of responsibility.

As a private businessman I am bound only to the decisions that I feel best serve my business, my ethics and my customers, and to fight for the nation I was born into if I so choose. This is called freedom and capitalism. If I succeed, I win, if I fail I lose.

You all have the right to agree or disagree, and to buy my products or not.

On that note, I am a bit unhappy to those who have joined this forum in the last two days in order to try to thwart to opinions of longstanding members. I won't let them do that in order to advance their agenda. If they have something of value to offer they are welcome - if not they will be gone.

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Sun May 09, 2010 3:15 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 2:20 pm
Posts: 4

Just registered and joined the discussion from another forum. I'm here to remind you that boycotts of any kind between States are ineffective. We do not live in a box, we live in a World economy. I buy and sell on the Internet using Craigslist. I have never bought anything from your company directly, and I have service people here who are able to take care of all my needs.
If you are doing this as a political statement on your part, let me remind you that in United States history, two well known men from California have been President. Nixon and Reagan were both conservative Republicans. I could expand in detail how boycotts by the UFW and strikes by the unions have effected our society and economic structure, but I don't have the time nor the space here for that. My point being that if this is a decision based on partisan politics rather than common sense, then you are letting your emotional biases impede your independent thinking.
Boycotts do not seem to have much effect even on the World wide stage as Cuba has demonstrated for decades. The very people that you are wanting to effect are not the ones who will be inconvenienced by your boycott. As those who would ordinarily buy directly from you will simply come to those of us who use the World Wide Web as our market place. In fact, your decision would be a boom to my online business of selling used gear!

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Sun May 09, 2010 3:31 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 2:20 pm
Posts: 4

I wish to add that I love the United States. The Civil War was the darkest time in our history. We do not need another war within our own country, and World Wars were the darkest time for our World, especially World War II! It took a united effort from many Nations to stop Germany and Japan from World domination.

There are better ways to deal with the illegal immigration problems than for States to pass individual laws that are ineffective without the support of the Nation. Arizona is not the only State effected by illegal immigration. States and businesses boycotting each other is ineffective too. Negotiation and calm discussion without angry political rhetoric is best!

Do you know how horrible it is to live in Mexico right now? The extreme civil rights and human abuse is disgusting! Their government is much more corrupt than ours. Perhaps we should boycott Mexico? Hmm? That might not help either.

Many of these "illegal's" want to be a part of the melting pot that is America. Let's clamp down on the businesses that hire them! Stiff fines to businesses that hire illegal's makes more sense to me. What other solutions are there?

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Sun May 09, 2010 4:10 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
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On an equally opposed opinion, I have always been a firm supporter of the US assisting in helping Mexico to develop as an economically and politically more viable country and US ally. Bush felt the same way but was thwarted by an unwilling leader (Vincente Fox) and the US unions. He also promoted relations with Columbia which were opposed by the left.

This has nothing to do with race . . . it's about real ways of making a better world for all. MLK was a real hero but was failed by the very people he tried to elevate.

Regarding the whole nonsense of all this, check out my 2005 book "Texaco" . . . it was five years ahead of it's time on these subjects. It will give you a better idea of where I am coming from regarding politics, corruption and secession and Mexican relations. ... ff&x=0&y=0

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Sun May 09, 2010 4:31 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 3:40 am
Posts: 9

MikeN-Texas wrote:
dwdallamm wrote:
Luap wrote:
Regarding my customers in California: If you support your state's attacks and attempted boycott of Arizona for enforcing legitimate federal immigration laws and trying to do something about the damage being done to my country by lack of federal action regarding illegal immigrants . . .

Paul C. Buff

Paul C. Buff, Inc.

Specifically what damage is that?

How long have you lived in America? Do you know that if we eliminated the illegal alien problem in America, we could likely provide fee healthcare for all AND eliminate our national debt with the surplus money saved?
Add up the cost to Americans when illegals take their jobs, add the cost of emergency room healthcare for them and their children, add up free daycare through government paid groups like Head Start, add up the cost of educating their children, add up assisted government living, add up the crime associated with illegals. Keep adding as it's a drain on our society.

You know Paul, one of my professors said something that is relevant to this discussion. "Don't just assert it, prove it." I gave you my source for my position, where is yours? Since the beginning of the USA, immigrants have been chosen by those in power to scapegoat. First it was the whops, then the degos, then the Irish, and let's not forget the niggers too, and so on and so forth (and this isn't anything to do with racism here), and now it's the Mexicans or other people with absolutely no power.

You keep saying "My country" like you own it. Listen, I'm a native born German/English citizen, with ancestors going back to the first European settlers, university educated, and understand the facts behind illegal aliens. I don't "knee jerk" anything. I'm not saying that I disagree with laws that need to be enforced to stop illegals from being in the US either. But this demonizing of all illegals for simply trying to feed their families and looking for opportunity where none exists is the wrong manner to proceed.

MikeN-Texas, you assert that if we could just get rid of illegals, we could all have free health care. That's complete bullshit. Like I said above, "Don't just assert it, prove it." Where is your proof, your studies, your research? Show it to us.

Back to Paul, like I said, I love the way you run your business; I love your products, especially that huge octagon contraption I bought and LOVE); and your innovative way of creating new items. I do however take offense to how you pigeonhole not only illegals, but "Californians" who don't get in line with your so far unsupported opinions.

These types of movements tend to take on a life of their own, and in doing so hurt many people that are not breaking any laws. You're entitled to your opinions, right or wrong, but you sure the hell aren't entitled to your own facts. Where is the proof supporting your opinions? Let's just start with one at a time. Let's start with your assertion about free health care.

There are some smart and informed people in this forum, and I'm sure they would like to know where you get your facts that form your beliefs. I know I would.

Last edited by dwdallamm on Sun May 09, 2010 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun May 09, 2010 5:15 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 11:49 am
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Please don't credit (discredit) remarks made by others to me. Get your sources and facts straight if you post here please. I'm glad you're university educated . . . perhaps that's part of the problem? Did they teach you anything about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the history of why we chose not to live like Europeans?

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Sun May 09, 2010 5:36 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 2:20 pm
Posts: 4

"Prove it!" is a good adage to respond to many things said here. You own the website, and you own your own business so you don't have to prove anything. However you potentially alienate some customers and potential customers depending on how they take your attitude. Maybe you don't need those customers, and maybe you do. That is your choice, as much as it is for us to choose to patronize you.

Your own post in your forum has sparked debate in other forums including the one I came from on The question I have read on other places is this "If you are so very supportive of Arizona, then why don't you move your business there so that those who should desire your products and services would be forced to buy from an Arizona business?

I live and do business in California by choice. I am NOT one of those protesters pandering for a boycott for or against ANY State. I have traveled through out the States, and to Canada and Mexico. I see no benefit in boycotting any government at the State of National level. The people living in those regions may or may not be completely innocent of what you personally are against. Why should they suffer too?

Again, I say "go ahead" with your boycott. It does not effect me, in fact it will improve my business! ;)

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Sun May 09, 2010 5:43 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 3:40 am
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Luap wrote:

Regarding the constitution and secession: All states have the right to secede.

Your knowledge of the Constitution is confused Paul, with all due respect:

Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1869) was argued before the United States Supreme Court in 1869. The Court held in a 5–3 decision that the Constitution did not permit states to secede from the United States, and that the ordinances of secession, and all the acts of the legislatures within seceding states intended to give effect to such ordinances, were "absolutely null". However, the decision did allow some possibility of the divisibility "through revolution, or through consent of the States".[29][30] (Source: Wikipedia, and see Wikipedia for primary sources 29 and 30.)

"If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede. (Hence, in the Pledge of Allegiance, 'one Nation, indivisible.')"--United States Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia in a private letter to a screenwriter, 2006.

Now this means that the last USSC ruling on the subject does not permit State Succession. And Scalia's letter shows his position, so at least one justice believes states do not have the right of succession. For you to state absolutely to your customers that "States have the right to secede" if grossly ignorant of the facts, misleading, and perhaps untruthful on your part. It also calls into question your knowledge of any subject related to this discussion.

I wonder what all the "liberals" who support your company would think about buying your products if your unfounded and in-factual positions regarding the Constitution and facts related to illegals were circulated around the internet--which they are starting to do already. You've made a big splash, and from what I've read, your positions are decidedly unpopular among the vast majority of photographers who comment on your opinions.

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Sun May 09, 2010 5:55 pm

Joined: Sun May 09, 2010 3:40 am
Posts: 9

Luap wrote:

Please don't credit (discredit) remarks made by others to me. Get your sources and facts straight if you post here please. I'm glad you're university educated . . . perhaps that's part of the problem? Did they teach you anything about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights or the history of why we chose not to live like Europeans?

Did I misquote you? I made the corrections--hopefully :) See my next post.

Yes Paul, educated people are the problem, indeed. Remember that those who formed the United States and wrote the Constitution were all highly educated. So, maybe the Constitution is the problem?--to use your own logic.

Last edited by dwdallamm on Sun May 09, 2010 6:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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