Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum

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Wed Feb 10, 2010 3:36 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:43 am
Posts: 5266

This is not a Communist board. This is a forum for technical discussion, how does this work, why is this not working, ect. This is described in the board rules, as well as a sticky at the top of the first page in technical discussions. We have been lenient in the topics thus far, but some are going the way of the previous forum, and will not be tolerated. For the moment this thread is open, but that status can change if the topic veers too far off course.


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Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:55 am

Joined: Fri Dec 11, 2009 3:07 am
Posts: 10

There used to be a previous forum? I've been around watching all of whats going on.. Think it's time to just freeze the board for a few days for just updates from TS and Luap. Hate to think that; but seeing how some of the members are acting.. It might be best.. I'd hate to see this forum die out because of some issues.


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Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:20 am

Joined: Sun Jan 10, 2010 9:22 am
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Location: New York

If you track the timeline of how the mood of the post are getting, I think you will see it has gotten exponentially worst over the last week. If you think this is bad, wait til the end of Feb if there is nothing coming out of production. Maybe shutting this forum down might be best for the company sake and let people go to or something to vent.

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:57 am

Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 7:52 am
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Location: Berlin


I hope it's ok to post my question here...

I am from Germany and decided that I would really like to buy the Einstein. My question now is, could I preorder it? If so, would I have to do it on the US website or on the Australian one?
Are there any new information concerning a possible distributor in Europe?

Thanks! :)

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:00 am

Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:45 pm
Posts: 43

1. I'm not the worlds best speller, but could we have at least gotten the topic spelled correctly, so that every reply email that was sent, was at least able to make since? LOL.

2. I disagree about shutting the boards down. I realize the posts have gone south in some cases, but I think the mods and Paul are here enough to take care of that. If the offender keeps up their handy work, then just ban the user. If any of you have been paying attention to any other threads besides this one, this forum has proved very useful in it's content to help users having problems, most of which are not defective products, just people trying to learn the proper way to use them.

Well, that being said, I will most likely be giving my spot for 3 units up. I decided for now, that a strobist setup is what I want for now, and maybe towards the end of the year, I'll start adding a couple Einsteins to my setup. It has nothing to do with the delay, mainly just due to funding and wanting the added portability of using off camera flash. I ordered my CyberSync gear, and should have it Friday, and am just glad to know that I'll be able to continue using it when I decide to go with Einstein and CC.

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 10:01 am

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:43 am
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We won't be freezing the forum based on the posts we have gotten. We will ask that posts stay on topic (technical help), and address specific issues on a case by case basis.


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Thu Feb 11, 2010 1:11 pm

Joined: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:25 pm
Posts: 17

I appreciate the feedback on the progress. If this was any other company we wouldn't hear anything until the product was ready to ship. The problems that Paul is dealing with are real world problems. These are the behind the scene issues we usually don't hear about. I for one appreciate his filling us in when he could just remain silent.

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:42 pm

Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2010 9:57 am
Posts: 58

Totally agree with stilllearning! Paul and PCB staffs are working very hard to provide us with light we can count on. Plus Paul has been very honest in updating us and tell us what is holding on Einstein's delay. He doesn't need to nor obligates to tell us anything, but he does! Doesn't honesty deserves something nowadays?

I strongly believe Paul too want to release Einstein as soon as possible. For one who already spent God-knows-how-much money in it, off course he want a return ASAP. But then, if Paul release Einstein prematurely and something goes wrong, doesn't it going to backfire on him? All the hard works for many-many years and the good intentions he have for us photographers? Think about it people.

I too, same as all of you, couldn't wait to have one (at least one). Looking at the specs and claims of what it can do, surely we got tons of what we want to do with it inside our head and can't wait to make them come true. I'm no exception too. Just be patience, Good things come for those who wait. I firmly believe that.

I believe Paul has been fighting many-many times harder than any of us to get Einstein on time. You have the right to be disappointed in the delay, but I think Paul and his staff are more disappointed, specially Paul & his wife. They have put their hard earn money in it and have not received any return yet. There are bills to pay, salaries to pay, etc. Every single day of delay cost him something. And you are not charge yet for pre-order right? Does anyone here want to invest our money and do not received any return of investment in many months?

Paul is "bleeding" right now, and we do not need to add anymore injury. Let him do what he need to do so we can have Einstein with us as soon as possible. And give him respect for what he deserve for being honest with us. Be patience people...

Let me tell you this, you all are very lucky and should be grateful you are on the pre-order lists and live in a country that PCB prioritized in. I, on the other hand, even-though have the money but still not sure if I can pre-order. Meaning I don't know if PCB will ship Einstein to the country I live in. No matter how badly I want Einstein. I too, have plans in my head as what I can do when I can have Einstein with me. As soon as Einstein launch, you can have it/them and play with it. And I have to wait to see if they can be ship into my country. And even if PCB ship it to me, I'll have to patiently wait several weeks maybe months more for it to arrive. And if they don't ship it, then Einstein will only be IN MY DREAMS!

So if I can wait in uncertainty, I believe you all can do better than I do and patiently wait in certainty that once Einstein launch, you'll have the first opportunity to play on it. At least, if it's going to make you feel better, think of me who is still wishing to get my hands on it while you are playing with your Einstein... :)

And Paul, please don;t "burn down the whole forest if the ants are biting you"... Just give them a warning. And if they still do the same mistakes, kick them out for good in your forum. Well it is YOUR forum anyway and last time I check, it still have "Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum" written on top of the page. It doesnt have my name or other names on it except yours. It is not a dictatorship, just you cleaning up your house.

P.S. FYI, I'm not Paul or any of PCB staff. If I am, well... I'll be just sitting around and smiling knowing I'll have Einstein first hand before any of you have it. And I won't have the "waiting in uncertainty" feeling. And you all know better that it is the worst feeling EVER!

Doesn't mean to offend anyone, just sharing my thought. Cheep up and I wish you all the best when you have your Einstein delivered to your front door! Enjoy!!

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:08 pm

Joined: Thu Feb 11, 2010 4:54 pm
Posts: 4

Sorry for the question, I'm new to this forum. I recently received 2 of AB800, 2 of Giant Foldable Softboxes, etc., and I am very, very happy. Thank Paul for kindly making AB lights for 220V, even if they sell only in U.S. The question I have is for the Einstein lights: The screen behind the lamp is made of glass or plastic? It is breakable from accidentally falling lamp or not?
I'm glad that you have not discouraged on the pressures that are upon you. Courage! Thanks again.

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Thu Feb 11, 2010 5:40 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:43 am
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The diffuser dome is Pyrex, a sturdy heat resistent glass (like in bakeware). The retaining clips are very snug, and you would not likely be handling it often. Pretty much anything that would break it, would certainly break the flashtube and model lamp without it. While it is highly unlikely to break a dome, with enough force, anything can break.


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