Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum

Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander
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Author:  myselfman [ Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

Using 3 AB800 with 3 CSRB+ and a Cyber Commander firmware V29. When I set the "model mode" to off in the light settings menu, the modeling lights may or may not turn off. Sometimes the light will dim. Sometimes the light will flicker. Other times it will turn off. Its random, I can not narrow it to a specific light or CSRB unit All the other functions of "Model Mode" seem to work fine. I've change batteries, frequencies, channels. I only had the CC a few weeks before I did the firmware upgrade but I don't recall this being an issue before. In a jam I know I can take the bulbs out, but I don't want this to be a symptom that indicates a bigger problem.

Author:  Technical Support [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

Have you ensured all model lamp buttons are depressed on the backs of each light? Is it consistent in that it happens with all lights simultaneously, or will it happen to one light, but not others? If so, can you tell if it is the same receiver each time?

Author:  myselfman [ Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

All modeling lamp button are on. It occurs randomly, it can be one, two or all three lights. While I'm shooting a modelling light that is off may turn on and vice versa. Swapping the receivers from light to light did not show any differences. I don't see a link to a specific receiver.

Author:  Technical Support [ Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

I am looking into this with our engineers and consultants.

Author:  dbarrow [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

I have the same problem. It only seems to happen on the AB800's I have. I set up four lights last night: 2 AB800's and 2 AB1600's. Only the AB800's exhibited this problem. I had to turn the modeling lights off with the button on the unit or they would flicker, as mentioned earlier. The CyberCommander would not turn them off. It is firmware version 29.

Author:  cdrice [ Fri Mar 19, 2010 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Model Lights Stay On When Set to Off by Cyber Commander

This sounds very similar to an issue I had as well. In my case, I was able to systematically isloate it to a single CSRB+. PCB's folks graciously replaced it and I've had a "clean" system ever since.

I'd recommend using a deliberate, systematic approach to isolating the fault. Start with a single transmitter (CC) and only one CSR+/CSRB+. Move that receiver to each light in your system (to confirm the issue isn't with an individual light). Using a CST also? Add the CST to the system and repeat. Continue to repeat the process adding *each* receiver individually -- making *sure* the other receivers are not "in the mix" by removing their batteries. If testing each receiver individually doesn't exhibit the issue, test with two receivers (moving one around lights), then three, etc.

Other, perhaps easier, suggestions to start with --
Try changing the entire system frequency.
Try changing light channels -- does the issue follow what channel # they are assigned, or does it follow the light or the receiver, etc.

You may have already tried these methods, but I wanted to suggest them -- since, in my case I was able to use a similar approach to show that when one of my four CSRB+ receivers was "in the mix," I saw the strange model light behavior (flickering, on when should be off, etc) on multiple lights in my system, regardless of that frequency or channels I used. As soon as that single CSRB+ was removed (and subsequently replaced), the entire system was happy.

My issue could have been completely different from the problem you are seeing, but it sounds like very similar symptoms from what you've described so far.

As an aside, another easy way to switch a model light "off" is by using groups in the CC. When you select a group to make active in the flash screen, all *other* lights (lights not in the selected group) will be switched to "model light off". (This is how I came across my issue in the first place). This is, in my opinion, a faster/easier way to potentially exhibit the issue and expedite testing vs. digging through the individual light setup and turning the model light off manually.

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