Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum

Of interest RE California customers
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Author:  Luap [ Wed May 05, 2010 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Of interest RE California customers

Regarding my customers in California: If you support your state's attacks and attempted boycott of Arizona for enforcing legitimate federal immigration laws and trying to do something about the damage being done to my country by lack of federal action regarding illegal immigrants and the vicious crimes many of them commit, I will take a leadership role and boycott sales of my products to California.

This is not directed to any race or to legal immigrants or to customers who believe in uniting the US instead of dividing it.

If California insists on destroying itself and looking to the rest of the states to bail them out from their ridiculous political correctness the reasonable and responsible states will resist in no uncertain terms.

I don't like injecting this into a forum like this but won't be a part of this. To my valued and reasonable CA customers I offer my sympathy for what your "leaders" are putting you and the rest of America through.

BTW, I was born in Hollywood Hospital and grew up in a legal Mexican American community and have many Latino friends, then endured the state for 35 years in the music industry before I moved my operations to Tennessee. I still have many close friends in CA so I am certainly not condemning CA residents.

Paul C. Buff

Paul C. Buff, Inc.

Author:  CaseyC [ Wed May 05, 2010 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

Wonderful, one of my favorite camera stores won't sell me the stuff I need, now Paul C Buff is considering on stopping sales to California.. I guess this is what I get for growing up in Poland and moving to California.. *sigh*

Author:  zagiace [ Wed May 05, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  Luap [ Wed May 05, 2010 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

It's a lot more than the city council of West Hollywood. My former home state is putting the country in danger and now trying to throw their weight around the country they are helping destroy. This is why I and a good number of your business leaders left or are leaving.

California is a little light in the weight department these days by their own doing and is heading for a big fall if they don't wake up. The productive states won't pay your bills when you turn into Greece.

Now, for the 50% of Golden State residents that can see what is happening, we'll be more than happy to treat you with the respect you deserve.

I have nothing to reconsider . . . no action has been taken yet. But when a state like CA openly declares boycotts against other states they will ultimately lose their status in the union. What Arizona chooses to do is none of your state's business.

Author:  m3rdpwr [ Wed May 05, 2010 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

Boston's Mayor "Mumbles Menino" is saying that are going to try and boycott Arizona businesses as well...


Author:  bigMIKE [ Wed May 05, 2010 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

I currently live among a large population of illegals in CA and understand your anger and frustration.

How about this for a suggestion...

Instead of boycotting all of CA residents and alienating those who are on the fence about the AZ issue or those of us who are actually in complete agreement with you, do things in a way that benefit the people of AZ who are suffering financially.

If a CA resident such as myself wishes to purchase your products, require proof of supporting an Arizona based business via a fax or e-mailed scan of a receipt before you fulfill the order.

Author:  Luap [ Wed May 05, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

I'm not angry . . . just think CA politicians and Arizona haters are committing suicide by pitting state against state. What Arizona does is none of California's business. They will steer more business to AZ than they will take from them. CA can do whatever they want, but don't ask me to bail them out for governmental insanity. And don't ask for my support when you openly mess with other state's rights and the will of their people. If anyone can remember history, a house divided cannot stand. If you want to see real discrimination, look at my IRS bill (and your own in a couple of years.)

As for requiring proof of support, etc, I would never put customers through that.

Author:  Luap [ Wed May 05, 2010 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

CaseyC wrote:
Wonderful, one of my favorite camera stores won't sell me the stuff I need, now Paul C Buff is considering on stopping sales to California.. I guess this is what I get for growing up in Poland and moving to California.. *sigh*

I happen to be very supportive of Poland and her people. But you should be able to see the growing similarities between the former USSR and the budding USSA.

Author:  bigMIKE [ Wed May 05, 2010 11:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

Luap wrote:
I'm not angry . . . just think CA politicians and Arizona haters are committing suicide by pitting state against state. What Arizona does is none of California's business. They will steer more business to AZ than they will take from them. CA can do whatever they want, but don't ask me to bail them out for governmental insanity. And don't ask for my support when you openly mess with other state's rights and the will of their people. If anyone can remember history, a house divided cannot stand. If you want to see real discrimination, look at my IRS bill (and your own in a couple of years.)

As for requiring proof of support, etc, I would never put customers through that.

I agree. It's ridiculous.

However, I'm a little confused and concerned, though. Do you intend to stop sales to CA residents?

What about service? If I bought my lighting gear from you and I needed support after you put a ban on CA residents, am I going to be S.O.L.?

Author:  HELLAcalvin [ Thu May 06, 2010 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Of interest RE California customers

I , too, am confused and concerned.

I understand that nothing has been "set," yet. But, in the event that you do decide to cease sales to CA, what happens to us?

Will you continue to honor our warranty? What if we need to order replacement parts (i.e. flashtubes)?

What does this mean for those of us on the Einstein pre-order list? If you do cease sales to CA residents, will you just skip us and move onto the next non-CA resident? If that is the case, what a PITA this will be. There are some people that have put off buying other strobes for well over a year because they've been waiting patiently for the Einsteins to start shipping.

Again, I understand that nothing has been "done," yet. But you've made it clear that it is certainly a possibility.

You say you "would never put customers through that" (referring to Mike's suggestion of having requiring proof). Can you explain this further? So you'll either sell to all Californians or none at all, despite our opinion regarding Arizona's actions? Why even consider globally punish all Californians?

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