Paul C. Buff, Inc. Technical Forum

Vagabond Mini just blinks (with full battery)
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Author:  hodgy [ Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Vagabond Mini just blinks (with full battery)

On location the other day and all of sudden my VM just dies. Like it has no charge. I figured it was the battery. Turned the unit on and all lights are on, then when I plug in my ultrazap the lights all dim and just the LED beside the USB just blinks green and orange (there is a ticking sound that fades when this happens). Today I grabbed my buddies Vagabond and tested out my batteries, they all work fine and with his batteries my unit does the same thing. I cannot find any information on this problem as most just deal with bad batteries.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have already bought a new unit as I need them ASAP but would like to salvage this one as well.


Author:  Moderator [ Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Vagabond Mini just blinks (with full battery)

Sorry for the delay in response.
Based on your description it sounds like a component perhaps one of the 8 FETs inside inverter may have failed.
The inverter will have to be returned for repair. here is a link to our repair form. Please fill it out and return it along with the unit.

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