magisterludi wrote:
When you get failures, is it all or nothing, or will some lights fire while others do not?
Some respond, some do not.
So generally, you do not have a completely black image, rather at least one unit did fire?
If I understand this correctly, are the lights that misfire the same ones (or in the same position) every time, or might the failure rotate around to all lights?
And to be clear, when I ask about other wireless devices, this would include routers, tools like Cam Ranger, WiFi capable cameras or cards, or anything of that nature.
When you change frequencies, do you switch from say FQ01 to FQ02? Or do you go from FQ01 to FQ7 or 8 or even 13? If there is an interference issue, it could span across multiple adjacent frequencies. By making large changes, you increase your chances of dialing out of the issue.
When adjusting the power, do you see red outlines on some channels more than others? This could be an indicator of poor communication/interference. Please note, this outline will also appear when a light tries to go beyond max or minimum power.