Just an FYI, I responded to your email, but the email just bounced back. Not sure why.
However, to fully trouble shoot this issue, please follow these steps in order, and note the first place the light fails to fire.
• First, ensure the receiver has the power cord from the wall going to the bottom of the receiver. Also, ensure the small sync cord is running from the side of the receiver to the hole marked “sync” on the back of the light.
flash fires successfully• Press the test button on the back of the light to ensure the light fires on its own
flash fires successfully• Press the test button on the receiver
flash fires successfully• Press the test button on the transmitter
flash fires successfullyo If the flash does not fire, see if the LED on the receiver blinks red when the test button is pressed on the transmitter
o If the LED on the receiver does not blink red, look for the red LED on the transmitter when you press the CST2 test button.
I use a CST transmitter not CST2. CST blinks red.• With the CST2 installed on your camera and with your camera not in “live view”, press the shutter button. Look for the LED on the transmitter as well as the flash from the light.
No LED light response on the CST transmitter from pressing the D5500 shutter when NOT in "live view" or normal viewPlease let me know the first place the flash fails to fire, and the other bit that may be pertinent as described above. Once we figure this out, then we can proceed to correcting the issue.
Under the same lighting conditions and camera settings, I tested the CST transmitter again on a Sigma DP2, works fine. However, I need this to work on the D5500. To test to make sure the hotshoe on the D5500 works, I have mounted a Targus TG-DL20N hotshoe flash and that fires. This hotshoe flash has more points of contact with the D5500 hotshoe than the CST transmitter has. Noticing this, I wedged a thin cut-to-size aluminium foil in between the CST transmitter and the D5500 hotshoe. It has a 3-5 sec delay but it works. Obviously this not how it supposed to work and not a proper fix.I kept testing the CST on the D5500 after removing the aluminum foil but it does not work at all. What else can try?Also, if possible, please show a photo of the info screen on the back of the camera. Preferably the one with the most information.