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Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:35 pm

Joined: Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:20 pm
Posts: 1

Hello everyone,
I'm having an issue triggering my Einstein unit when using the Cyber Commander as a light meter. I have three Einstein units, and only one is currently having a problem. All three worked perfectly for several years, and I recently began having an issue while metering flash on one unit.

While shooting with Einstein (using CSXCV transceiver) set to Channel 1, and Cyber Commander set to Channel 1 in my camera's hotshoe, there are no problems. The Einstein fires normally when shooting with the Cyber Commander.

It also fires normally when shooting with the CyberSync trigger transmitter (Version 1, not the new CST2);Also, If I press the TEST button on the CyberSync Trigger transmitter, the Einstein fires normally.

The only issue is when I'm attempting to use the Cyber Commander as a light meter. I used the light meter on the Commander for years without issue, then it stopped working. I've ensured that I have new batteries in the Commander, as well as checked that the Commander works with other Einstein units, and it does.

Is there an issue that could cause the Einstein not to fire when triggering with the Cyber Commander light meter mode, but it still works in normal shooting mode with the Cyber Commander and the CyberSync Trigger Transmitter?

Thank you in advance.

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Tue Jun 27, 2017 4:48 pm

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Joined: Tue Dec 08, 2009 10:43 am
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So when you push the right button, the light does not fire, correct?

What happens when you push the left button?

Are you able to enter the menu and enter a sub screen (open memory, frequency, etc)? This will tell us if the button is functioning properly.

Are you sure you have selected the correct channel and that the correct channel is defined in the Cyber Commander? The hotshoe will fire on all channels, regardless of what channel is selected on the screen. Only button triggering events are specific to a single light.

How many lights do you have, and how many vertical bars do you have?

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